We are happily sharing some words of wisdom from the Spruce Holistic Esthetician team to you!🤍 
Tips to our younger selves - 
Tiann, Co-Owner of Spruce Apothecary -
"Choose guidance carefully! Before using and consuming a product or technique do your research. Ask questions and seek licensed practitioners who specialize in their specialties/modalities. In particular, there are a lot of people online recommending things that do not have the expertise or experience. It’s why I’m so passionate about Spruce! We are your trusted experts for skin health and well-being. Listen and tune in to your body! It’s your #1 fan and biggest ally. I encourage you to carve space on the daily to honor its beauty and abilities. We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves and to feel our best through a deeper connection with our most authentic body and being."
Book a virtual or in-store skincare consultation with one of our licensed estheticians here!
Jenn, Co-Owner of Spruce Apothecary -
"I'd tell my younger self to get comfortable in this skin you’re in, you’re in it for the long haul! I would tell myself to take care of your skin, even when it’s looking ideal, it ALL catches up to you later and  no foamy cleanser on your dry skin, moisturize, with oils, all the time. Lastly, always wear quality SPF on face, even when cloudy and wear hats when spending time outside in the sun, SPF alone on a summer day is not enough.
Shop our collection of SPF's here and our facial oils here.
Sam, Spruce Holistic Esthetician -
"I would tell my younger self to be kinder to your body, drink more water and to stop using tanning beds (yes, I’m guilty of that too in my teen years). I would mostly just want to give my younger self a really big hug and let her know everything is going to work out just fine."
Iza, Spruce Holistic Esthetician -
"The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self would be to not over do it. I spent a lot of years over exfoliating, picking, and using too much on my skin and ultimately making it worse."
Hanna, Spruce Holistic Esthetician -
"I wish I would have learned at younger age that acne is a normal and common part of your skin journey. When I was young it was made to be a big thing to be scared of. It was also common to dry it out like it was an oil spill instead of treating it more like a wound and calming the inflammation. And yes of course, wear your spf. It’ll save you a lot of grief down the road. Some of my favorite products for treating breakouts/acne are the eminence calm skin mask, eminence eight greens mask, Marie Veronique barrier lipid complex & treatment serum and my favorite spf is July sky!"
Devorro, Spruce Holistic Esthetician -
"First off I would tell my younger self that she is gorgeous and we don’t use skincare to be “prettier” but to take care of our skin. When you’re going through puberty and your skin keeps acting up whether that be acne or dryness, it’s really easy to want to use more aggressive products but in reality keeping our skin hydrated is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation. The Wonder Valley Wonder serum is perfect. It’s a great blend of hyaluronic acid and nourishing oils that will keep the skin hydrated and balanced." 
Shop Deverro's product recommendation here: Wonder Valley Wonder Serum.
Always remember that you are beautiful no matter what stage of life you are in. Your skin, body and your overall being changes throughout your life, give yourself grace and embrace the growth!